Chrome OS Flex vs Windows 7 – Who’s Better for Low-end PC?

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Chrome OS Flex is a blessing for the older systems. But even older Windows version like the popular Windows 7 can be utilised on an older laptop or pc. Let’s see how Chrome OS Flex vs Windows 7 fares against each other.

Why Chrome OS Flex vs Windows 7?

As time goes by, older pc and laptops tend to slow down cause of the older hardware. Only an optimized software update can help in keeping it afloat. But due to slower processors, the system can no longer handle the newer programs and updates.

This is why people look for a lightweight operating system, which can keep the older system running. Lightweight OS like Chrome OS Flex or an older version of an OS like the Windows 7.

Chrome OS Flex Advantage vs Windows 7

Under a year since its release, Chrome OS Flex has become one of the most popular operating systems out there. People are choosing to install it, even in place of Linux and older Windows 7.

The whole operating system is based on just a Chrome Browser. We have web apps for the popular sites like YouTube, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides and etc.

This makes the browsing experience a breeze. As there is nothing else in the background taking up the resources. Which makes Chrome OS Flex super light on CPU resource usage.

Also Read  How To Run Windows 10/11 on Android Phone with Chrome!

If you are someone using your computer mainly for browsing purpose. Which I personally do a lot, then Chrome OS Flex won’t make you feel you’re missing out on anything.

Modern and Minimal

We of course have all the basic network settings, Bluetooth, camera and other useful options. Google has also added host of accessibility settings for easy usability.

Look wise too, Chrome OS Flex won’t let you down. With very aesthetic design of the home screen, consisting of a Windows like start menu and dock for favourite apps.

Windows 7 looks, and interface is quite old when compared to modern OS designs. But that does not mean it’s bad. We have the start menu and quick toggles, which makes it quite functional, despite looking old.

The quick settings are just like the Google’s Android counterpart. We also have beautiful collection of wallpapers, that are constantly being updated.

chrome os flex vs windows 7 better for low end pc or laptop

Software Updates

Chrome OS Flex is regularly updated with latest security patches and new features. Initially, the experience with Chrome OS Flex wasn’t the best. But months after months, and with continuous updates and bug fixes. It has come out as a very stable and reliable operating system.

Windows 7 support has been dropped by the Microsoft. Meaning no more updates regarding security patches or new features (at least not officially). But you can always install a third-party anti-virus software to safeguard against any threats.

Gaming on Chrome OS Flex vs Windows 7

For a slow pc or laptop, Chrome OS Flex is a blessing. But if your computer is good enough for modern operating systems or you want to play games. Then you shouldn’t install Chrome OS Flex.

Also Read  Best Linux Apps to Supercharge Your Chrome OS Flex Experience!

Firstly, the lack of Android support makes it very boring when compared to the normal Chrome OS. Android is a whole world in itself. And not having it here is a big miss, especially for games.

Windows 7 still has a variety of support for various programs and even games. Gaming, which is almost non-existing on Chrome OS Flex. Here you can install and play PC titles like CS: GO, League of Legends, World of Warcraft and etc, that supports Windows 7.

Apps and Programs

On Chrome OS Flex, we are limited to just the Chrome Browser. So, we must use all the apps on their website. This can be quite frustrating, especially for the sites that will force you to use the app.

We have the Linux support but there is no Linux app store by default. We have to install it manually using commands. For a beginner, this can be really challenging. Many won’t even use the Linux function and may miss out on the additional benefits.

Also, not all Linux apps will work. Some will straight out say it’s not supported. This makes the already limited options, even more limited.

On Windows 7, we have more options in regard to programs. We can install basic video player app to advanced photo and video editing software. We can also run old versions of various advanced programs.

Issues, Fix and Driver Support

Even though, Chrome OS Flex is free to download and install. Still, it does not work on every laptop or pc. There is a list of models of laptops that are supported. This even includes Apple’s old MacBook (quite shocking).

Also Read  Chrome OS Flex - A Blessing From Google? Download & Install!

If your device isn’t on the list, then you may face issues with some features. Issues like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi not working. But as Chrome OS Flex doesn’t support any type of driver support. There is no possible way of fixing those shortcomings (at least manually).

Windows in general has a variety of driver support across multiple manufacturers. So even if you face an issue regarding any of the components. Then, there is a high chance of a driver issue, which can be fixed quite easily.

Availability and Download

Windows 7 official download link has been dead for a while now. For now, we need to use the third-party methods to download Windows 7 ISO. I will try to make a video tutorial as well as write an article about it soon. Make sure to bookmark my website and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Chrome OS Flex can be downloaded and installed quite easily. Google has provided an official tool to do just that. There are two methods of downloading Chrome OS Flex, first through Chrome browser extension and second via the recovery image.

Read Chrome OS Flex Download and Install – Revive Slow Computers!


For now, it looks Chrome OS Flex may have a lead, when it comes to availability and download and even for updates. The modern user interface and ease of usage is something many people are looking for nowadays.

Windows 7 does provide better program support and advanced features. It also gives you the option to play various pc level games. But since we are going to use it on a low-end laptop or pc, it’s not a necessity.

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Tech Content Creator, Tech Blogger with an interest in Anime and Pop culture.

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